
Jon Hettler

Laura McWilliam

Lisa Spinelli

Naomi Husband

Starsha Battrick

Aidan O'Brien

Brianne Ippolito

Jeffrey Bezooyen

Jackie Bates

Heather Adams


All The Posers as One

The Posers : Scene in a Bar (after Caravaggio's The Calling of Saint Matthew)

The Posers : "Garbo" (Edward Steichen)

The Posers : Goofy Golfers (Three Stooges)

The Posers : The Walk (Étienne-Jules Marey)

The Posers : Nude (Edward Weston)

The Posers : After Cindy Sherman

The Posers : Naked City (Weegee)

The Posers : Photo-booth Portraits (Warhol)

The Posers : For Man Ray's Tears

The Posers : Marilyn

The Posers: Group Montage


Vogue's Fit


Edward Steichen's "Family of Man", 1955

Mark Klett and the American West

Rephotography: Eugene Atget

Beat Streuli

Krzysztof Wodiczko